Friday, December 16, 2011



There is a way in life
Where anger overtakes the soul and pitiful hints of the mind try to piece together
Something that will never form.
It is afraid and I am afraid
I cannot say and it cannot say.
Why oh why do these trytiptical words not make sense
Because they are not words
They are not words
But things that don’t make sense are nothing but the lucid horror of things that cannot be helped
The human bean is but full of these and cannot live without it
But to become monsters of the dark gloomy mists
The darkest shades of night
There loom something, someone, its lingering taunts
If these tyrannical rules do not break, there is fear, and fear can be felt
Not heard or touched
Not seen or spoken,
But felt like the smooth rough surface of felt.
It is fortunate for most but unfortunate for a few fiends or friends,
Soon the thoughts may consume, but
Not yet

Not yet

Not yet.